Tuesday, September 29, 2015

9 ways

            9 ways to be happy and make something of your life.       

1. Be grateful

Understanding first that everything you've got in your life and everything life has given you is truly something to be grateful for, some don't have what you have or simply weren't lucky to be in your stable position in life, therefore appreciate everything try looking at what you have and realize how or why you got them, be grateful for life , because you have woken to see another day , thank does who raised you and loved you because there's someone out there who is growing without that feeling, there's someone out there who is going through life solo. Appreciate the little things, you have the fundamentals to be great what you have is enough. Hustle and appreciate. 

2. Be Smart

Reflection: We need to be smart so were are not taking advantage of. It  is also good to be smart because if we are smart we have a better chance at understanding something that other people are still not able to understand. Being smart not only means be book smart but also street smart which means we know how the people on the streets act and the places to avoid. They also say that the difference between a smart person and a dumb person the smart person will see there mistake and change because of it and a dumb person will always make that same mistake.
            Quote: "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."

3. be involved in good works
The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.
-Elbert Hubbard
This quote represents being involved in good works. this is because, doing good today and you'll do good the next. it will become a habit. but its a good habit not bad. the picture shows to hands holding in a friendly way. they reach out and help each other. help each other choose the right and stay right!

4. Be clean

Reflection: Being clean can be behaving in a certain way. Such as having a clean attitude or having a clean perspective of things. Another way of being clean is having your life in order. An example can be having a straight path to success. Not having a path that is cluttered with confusion. Another way to be clean can be to have a clean way of thinking. Such as being open minded towards things. Or also not being negative towards many things.

          Quote: "What after all, is a halo? It's one more thing to keep clean.

 5. be true
  “Our true self is being who we are.”
- Lailah Gifty Akita

Being true to yourself is a good attribute to have. you should be making cessions for your best interest. Become who you want to be not what they want you to be. You are who you are. You pretending to be some one else isn't you. 

6. be positive
Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
-Lyndon B. Johnson

Being positive is the best way to live life. Always think about all the good things you have. They will always outweigh the entire negative. Remember it doesn’t matter if the cup is half full or half empty. There’s water in the cup drink it! In other words, take every opportunity you can get. It will be the best thing you can do. To be more positive take 5 minutes every day and think about your loved ones, hobbies, anything you like doing. Staying positive even through the worse situations is the best characteristic.

7. Be Humble
Reflection: To be humble is too be thankful or gracious to others. To be a positive person towards others. To help others if in need. Trying to be a nice person towards others. Going to charity events or recycle things that help the community. Or also to be generous towards others. Also to be polite and respectful towards others.
Quote: "The praise that comes from love does not make us vain, but more humble." - James M. Barrie

One way I can put this in to my daily life is to be humble towards a lot of things. Respect others and have appreciation towards things. To be respectful towards opinions and responses. Then to be more oving and caring than before.
8.Be Still
When everything is moving and shifting, the only way to counteract chaos is stillness. When things feel extraordinary, strive for ordinary. When the surface is wavy, dive deeper for quieter waters.
-Kristin Armstrong

To be still means to be patient and taking your time to understand something. If someone tries to get you angry, be still and calm down and don't let them affect you. Never let your emotions affect you. Be calm, virtuous, understanding, and most importantly, patient. Do not get angry fast, don't let your emotions take over your logical thinking. If someone wants you to wait for something then wait. Letting yourself get aggravated fast makes that person the winner and your the one who lost. Losing your temper over nothing on something so small, is not worth it. Always ask yourself this first: will it affect me in a positive way or a negative way? Will this still affect me tomorrow? Is it worth my time? If you answer no to those questions, back away, take a deep breath and walk away. That is how you will be successful in life. When I get mad, I ask myself if the problem is still there in 24 hours and if it will still affect me. That calms me down, it should be a goal for everyone to think like this. It is one of my life-planning goals to be a person who is so patient that it takes a lot to anger them.

9. Be Prayerful
To be prayerful you need to be gracious about everything. To be thankful for the small things in return. To not be jealous or greedy over small or large things. Never to be rude or irresponsible with someone or something. Also to be a good person overall.

Quote: "Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening." - Mahatma Gandhi

Reflection: The 9 ways we have learned have been very helpful in my goals and everyday life. Such as getting a better understanding of people. Also being courteous over others and everyone else. To be thankful for the small things. To be never be evil or seditious towards anything or anyone. Way I will commit the 9 ways to my everyday life is to include them in communicating with others or when I'm by myself.

Friday, September 25, 2015


Commitment: The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.
Quote: " There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something you do it only when its convenient. When you're committed to something you accept no excuses; only results."
Reflection: This quote is try to say that the biggest difference between interest and commitment. Is when you are interested in something only because you can gain something from it. When you are committed to a cause you only want results not anything else.
Ex: passing Mr.Haymore’s class last year

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Responsible: Having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one's job or role. Being the primary cause of something and so able to be blamed or credited for it.
Reflection: This is an attribute every person in the world should have because it makes us better. It makes us better because we learn to care for all the things we have of importance it also shows to always be early to care for a person we may or may not know. An example would be caring for the elderly what if you are not responsible enough and they end up dying because you were careless.

Friday, September 11, 2015


911 Memorial
·       The first tower that got hit was the north tower and then came the south tower at 9:03 AM.
·        At 9:59 AM the south tower came down and at 10:28 AM the north tower came down.
·       300 men and women died in the 78 and 84 floor.
·       Everybody was in shock because nobody actually knew what was happening or why it was.
·       People didn't know what to do and they were panicking and some people even started jumping out the towers.
My thoughts are why people did this in the first place. Its actually sad because there was so many innocent people in there that didn’t know what was happening and they died in the towers a lot of people died because all of this that happened that day.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Practice of looking after those unable to care for themselves, especially sick and elderly people.

“In what terms should we think of these beings, nonhuman yet possessing so very many human-like characteristics? How should we treat them? Surely we should treat them with the same consideration and kindness as we show to other humans; and as we recognize human rights, so too should we recognize the rights of the great apes? Yes.”

― Jane Goodall

She is caring for animals specially the chimpanzees and the love has grown so much for them enough to start caring for them as if this animals were like us.


Being daring or courageous. a bold hero. Not hesitating to break the rules of propriety; forward; impudent: He apologized for being so bold as to speak to the emperor.

“Okay I like Connor's boldness for stepping to Aldo like that, but I don't know if he realizes Jose's a wild boy too, he been through worse.”
-MMA Mayhem
Connor has an upcoming fight against jose aldo junior but connor doesn’t realize aldo is a tough opponent connor dares to face him because of his boldness.