Monday, January 25, 2016


habit 1: be proactive
Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all other habits and that is why it comes first. it says,'I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger.'
"Recast your current problems into proactive goals."
-Suze Orman

Being proactive means you advance and make good from bad. you don't react to your problem you find a way to make the problem good. a proactive person is responsible and strong. they are people that don't make excuses. they rather solve a problem than stay stuck on it contemplating how it happened. they take their own course. they don't follow any crowd. they are focused and mind their own business. success is what a proactive person aims for. being proactive means you're building your success without relying on anyone else.
Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
"Control your own destiny or someone else will."
-Jack Welch

This habit is good to have because you stay focused on what your ultimate goal is. When you don't know what you want you just go day by day making decisions that you don't know what they will lead up to. It may not be what you were aiming for or it could happen that you never find out what you were aiming for. So living with a goal, sticking to it, and keeping your vision for what you want in the end is a good habit. Keeping the end in mind is like being given a marshmallow, told that if you wait a while without eating the first marshmallow you will be given a second one. This is anticipated happiness. Which in the end tastes so much better.
habit 3: put first things first
"Organize and execute around priorities."
“A year from now you may wish you had started today.”
 - karen lamb

This habit is about not procrastinating and setting priorities. If someone puts you second. You are not important.By yourself putting someone second, they dont matter to you. The same principle applies to friendships and hobbies. Homework and school, job and all of those should be your number one's. After youre done with the most important you cuold enjoy free time for having fun or yourself.  Although priorities are first, this shouldnt stop you from caring about yourself. Getting caught up in the craziness of your schedule sucks

habit 4: Think-Win-Win
 “It's the perfect definition of a settlement. Both parties didn't get what they wanted”
-David Greffen

This habit means that you're going to think about the situation and make an even deal or make the situation so that no one looses. this takes a lot of compromise. the quote means that both parties got even halves and since one didn't win the other one didn't. it doesn't mean necessarily that you will win every time it means you will find a middle ground to what you want. compromising with the other person.

Habit 5:
Seek Fist to understand then to be understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe."
This habit is telling us that we must understand what we are doing first before we can be understood. It is also saying that before a person can understand you, you have to understand them first. You can't rush into things without knowing what it is that you are doing then you can be understood by other people who share the same interest as you.
Habit 6:Synergize
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

To synergize is to be able to find new solutions to old problems. It is also a habit that is does not happen on its own but with teamwork and with everybody solving the problems together. It is a great habit to have because you can get more things done with two people than you can just by yourself. It is also the idea that not just one single person can do everything that all tasks are done better when there are a multitude of people working together.

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Social/Emotional

This is saying to always be on the top of your game to never let yourself rust or decay to always stay ready for a moment’s notice. It is stating that as long as you keep yourself sharpened be it physically or mentally you are going to be fine in life because you will always be prepared for the twist and turns in life.


I am willing to try the majority of the seven habits mainly because the habits I am planning on doing do not go against what I believe but the one I will not do are because I believe I can't do them or they go against my own believes. The only exception to this is habit seven since I am willing to do everything except sharping the spiritual aspect of myself. But the ones that I am planning on trying out are mainly going to be done here in school or at home some may even be tried out in public but at a later date since I have confidence issues.