Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Ten tips for being more truthful
1.   Make a commitment to tell the truth
2.   Tell someone about your commitment
1.   Think before you give a dishonest answer
4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
6. Dont indulge in little lies
7.watch out for silent lies
8.when you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse
9. Talk to yourself
10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth

1&2.To make a commitment is to make something that you will follow even when you don't want to do it anymore. And to make a commitment to tell the truth is to make one where no matter how much you want to lie you must not and you must confess the truth. By telling someone your commitment that person can help you to follow it so you don't brake that commitment. I will be telling my dad about my commitment and see what advice she can give me on not giving up.

3. This tip is ideal to do because once you give a dishonest answer to someone and they find out they can break relations with that individual.

4.when using these types of speeches you must know who you are talking to and if they will take it the wrong way or not. You may either hurt someones feeling or lose a friendship if these are not applied in a right way.

5.you should never spread out any rumors to anymore that's not right at all, but if you do tell the person something like tell them to stop with the rumors, if you hear something bad about your family make sure you tell them exactly what they said don't give off wrong information because you will be blamed for it and your friends will end up not talking to you and the rumor person

6.Enjoy the little white lies in life be open to anything that you are comfortable with. Don't over exaggerate on the little lies you tell others. Don't over exaggerate on the lies you say  it’s better to not say something at that person just stay quite it’s there problem not yours.

7.Being silent when you know the truth is exactly the same thing as telling a lie. When you are silent you are giving the impression that you do not either have the answer or information the certain someone is looking for.
8.When you notice yourself lying you must immediately tell the truth and take back your lie 
9.talking to yourself is the best way to calm down and gather your thoughts
10. When you treat yourself after telling the truth you will most likely want to keep telling the truth for the treat over and over again. Treating yourself can be as complex as talking yourself out or as simple as eating your favorite snack. 

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